Episode #4: Judgey Judge

Mama Mindset® Podcast Episode #4: Judgey Jude

Video Version:

Aloha, Mamas. In this episode we life chat on why claiming and allowing that we all judge- ourselves, one another, all the time is a liberating realization. When we allow ourselves to be judges, we are invited to drop the limiting beliefs behind all the “If……Then” statements that contain us and devalue our experience. We can choose to come into vertical alignment with our spiritual side and to surrender all the ways we once sought lasting peace and contentment with horizontal things/possessions/relationships.   Come judge this episode and judge yourself with kindness and radical compassion. Judging is as natural as breathing. We were made to judge scenarios and compare and contrast and evaluate. Let’s choose to do so moving forward in Mamamentum with our powerful feminine energy, harnessing our creativity, our empathy, our radical compassion.   Let’s pivot from judgment being a “bad” thing and pretending like we don’t do it, to accepting it/claiming it/validating it and cultivating an awareness around when we are doing it. From there we can choose to take loving action into deepening our perspective and knowledge and ultimately leading a more impactful, fulfilling, meaningful life.   Releasing the “If…..Then” statements we have carried around far too long, this spiritual surrendering to our Inner Knowing, the Highest Version of ourselves that is aligned vertically with our Spiritual Being, this is choosing peace in our life over the overwhelm. In this reverent gesture, we can overcome the peace we seek and yet will never find from things in the horizontal: the things of this world in the form of accomplishments/relationships/material goods that can never bring us the joy, grace, community, validation, hope, and love that we are divinely designed to pursue, enjoy, as well as emanate to others.