A Mama’s Love Languages

energetic exchange love languages quality time words of affirmation
Mom doing yoga with her infant daughter underneath her while in downward dog pose. Her husky dog looks on from the couch behind her.  Mom is wearing mermaid yoga pants a no daughter has on a mermaid diaper.

Aloha Mamas,

I’m a big fan of the Love Languages concept created by Gary Chapman.  Basically, there are 5 main love languages:

  • Words of Affirmation
  • Quality Time
  • Acts of Service 
  • Physical Touch
  • Giving/Receiving Gifts

We all have 1-2 primary love languages.  We are fluent in these love languages because they speak love to us.  So naturally, when we are trying to show other people in our lives love, we tend to speak in the terms of the love languages in which we are fluent, those in which we have experienced feeling loved.

For example, my two love languages are words of affirmation and quality time.  I love speaking meaningful words to others.  And I enjoy receiving authentic words of affirmation into my own life.  It fills my love cup coming and writing to you weekly.  I also highly value quality time with those that I love.  And I have realized increasingly so at this point in my life, that I really benefit from quality time spent alone with myself in my thoughts: writing, journaling, creating, doing yoga, going on a walk, daydreaming.

I tend to give love to others in my life in the form of words of affirmation and quality time because those are what speak most significantly of love into my life and the way I most readily receive love being communicated to me. 

The fascinating concept of the love languages is noticing what love languages your loved ones speak and how they most feel love communicated to them in their lives.  Watching how they speak love to you and to others is often very revealing.  My husband’s love languages are acts of service and quality time.  I can choose to actively participate in acts of service in order help communicate love to him.

Children often respond initially to all 5 love languages (and we all do to some degree, but we do tend to land on 1-2 more primarily as we age).  As your children get older, it’s fun to maintain a curiosity around what love languages they seem to respond to and the ways in which they actively try and speak love into other’s lives.

By consciously maintaining awareness of other’s love languages, you can enhance your relationships with others and gain insight into how you might more effectively communicate love into their lives. 

It’s a loving exercise in your interpersonal relationships.  And one that I revisit often!

I’m here to also offer that you will notice a transformational energy within your own life when you…. Truth bomb coming….


When I started to claim that all the of the creativity and love and prosperity that I desired to come into my life would be nourished by me showing up and holding space for myself…. by intentionally carving out time to speak my own love languages in my life…. Everything started to change.

I started writing and journaling and having intentional and sacred space for me to do this each day.  I honored my organic thoughts and got curious about what why they were there and what they were trying to teach me.  I just started writing down my stream of consciousness.  This is so healthy and lubricating for my creative soul.  And for connecting with the words of affirmation that are such nourishment for my heart.  And journaling and carving out time to do yoga as a moving meditation for me, meeting myself on the mat is a way that I spend quality time with myself and choose to live into the expansive energy that is always available to me… I just let it get eclipsed often when I push my own needs too far to the back burner.

So, Mama, what are your love languages?  How can you speak them more actively into your life? What are the love languages of your significant other and other loved ones?!  How can you get creative and more actively speak those into their lives?!

Aloha + Love Language Vibes your way!

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